Age: 16Height: 5'7" / 170cm
Weight: 148lb / 67kg
Species: Human
Homeplanet: Earth
A foreward thinking person, Rei miraculously manages not to loose her cool (or her sanity) when coping with the numerous difficulties fate has thrust upon her ever since she woke up. Almost frighteningly pragmatic, she resolves early on that despite finding herself in one of the craziest situations possible, she will simply try her best to make the best of it; no use over-reacting or anything like that.
She has an up-front personality and will sometimes say just what she thinks regardless of what others feel about it, but she's actually deeply sensitive. Back on Earth, she wanted to be a nurse, and was receiving some early training for it. Good thing -- she's gonna need it.
Rafeal of Leren
Age: 16Height: 5'8" / 173cm
Weight: 150lb / 68kg
Species: Aindanese
Homeplanet: Aindan
Rafeal was forced to abandon childhood innocence much earlier than most to learn the arts of politics and war, as well as being forced into a politically motivated marriage. It seems only natural that he has a stoic maturity well beyond his age, most often quiet and introverted. He does have a certain kind of charisma, though, and can easily motivate troops into battle or calm disquieted villagers--one of the reasons his people love him as a leader. Of course, he also has quite a softness for Maya, and would do anything for her.
Micheal of Leren
Age: 14Height: 5'5" / 165cm
Weight: 126lb / 57kg
Species: Aindanese
Homeplanet: Aindan
Overexcitable and emotional, Micheal is a mixed bag of nuts. His childlike mind colours him simplistic, while his dramatic mood swings make for an awful lot of soap opera crammed into such a scrawny little boy. One moment he's playing pranks on some of his "friends" from the village, the next he's nursing a sick and injured animal he found in the jungle back to health. He essentially goes from one extreme to the other: the highest highs to the lowest lows. He can be quite immature, pouting over trivial things at times, but once a roll, his exuberance knows no bounds.
Maya of Maran
Age: 25Height: 5'7" / 170cm
Weight: --
Species: Aindanese
Homeplanet: Aindan
Maya is a cheerful and enthusiastic lady from the south. At 21 years old, she was engaged by political arangement to Gabriel, but he "died" before they could wed. To preserve the terms of the arranged marriage, she had to marry Rafeal, Gabriel's little brother, instead. It took a while, but eventually her friendly fondness for Rafeal did grow into strong love.
She has a resiliant personality, and she's determined to be happy in life. She also loves to take care of people, and tends to mother everyone.
Gabriel of Leren
Age: 25Height: 6'3" / 191cm
Weight: 177lb / 80kg
Species: Aindanese
Homeplanet: Aindan
Rafeal and Micheal's oldest brother. Long thought to be dead, recently he turned up very much healthy and alive. So what's he doing apparently aiding the enemy to capture Rei?
SC17 Captain (full name unknown)
Age: 25Height: 5'9" / 175cm
Weight: 170lb / 77kg
Species: Arelle
Homeplanet: ??
He is a Captain in control of SC17, the floating space colony docked on Aindan. His normal duties include keeping criminal activity down on the space port (which is truly a task), but recently he was also assigned to help keep hidden his government's secret project of illegally experimenting on the planet's native creatures.
Age: 17Height: 6'0" / 182cm
Weight: 154lb/70kg
Species: Arelle
Homeplanet: Arelle
A dangerous bounty hunter; it appears he's the boss of Dragon Group and the one who is after Rei for unexplainable reasons.
Micheal is certain he saw Ryuu kill his older brother, but now Gabriel has shown up alive...
Age: 15Height: 4'9" / 144cm
Weight: 98lb / 44kg
Species: Tewanese
Homeplanet: Tewa
A small boy who seems to be working for Tsubasa and Tackey at the moment. He's a slave-for-rent who can be rented from his owner to perform various tasks.
Age: 18
Height: 5'7" / 170cm
Weight: 152lb / 69kg
Species: Tewanese
Homeplanet: Tewa
Tamae is the chick who can kick your ass. She drinks, swears, gambles--and wins! She has her own sort of sense of honour, though, and is a valuable team player when she feels like it.
She has the very rare ability to alter the pigment cells in her fur and hair, which only 1 in 100,000 babies of her kind are born with. Her weapon is a flame-throwing bazooka.
Age: 23
Height: 5'6" / 178cm
Weight: 148lb / 67kg
Species: Arelle
Homeplanet: Syechen, a moon of Arelle
One of the many slave bounty hunters in the galaxy, Tsubasa goes through all the torturous contortions of trying to appear like a powerful fighter, a dangerous bounty hunter, and a real manly man. His act is plausible maybe 30% of the time, despite his best efforts. Although, he can be charming at times, too, at least in a semi-creepy way. He wears an eyepatch since his eye was removed as punishment.
He and his 'colleuges' were ordered to hunt Rei for reasons unknown to him.
Age: 26
Height: 6'2" / 188cm
Weight: 188lb / 85kg
Species: Arelle
Homeplanet: Nouke, a moon of Arelle
For someone who was sold into slavery at the age of 3 after a marauding band of defecting soldiers attacked his village and murdered his family, Tackey is remarkably impervious. Really. You'd expect him to be schizophrenic, or suicidal, or at least manic-depressive. But no, he just sits there, chain-smoking like a chimeny with a pleasent (???) grin on his face. Of course, he does have his sociopathic side, which is somewhat of a requirement considering he's been forced to hunt bounties since his youth.
Melanie Imei
Age: 21Height: 5'8" / 173cm
Weight: 146lb / 66kg
Species: Getian
Homeplanet: Getia
Something of a socialite who easily befriends royalty and other important figures in galactic society. Like all Getians, she's very interested in different cultures. She runs a gigantic chain of weapon supply stores, but curiously prefers to get down and dirty by helping out at all her branches, as opposed to lording over the whole establishment in a managerial-like fashion. She has other ambitions though, including starting a jewlery and fashion line.
Remioma Ito
Age: 20Height: 6'0" / 182cm
Weight: 149lb / 68kg
Species: Tinian
Homeplanet: Tinin
A guard who is actually first and foremost a memeber of Dragon Group; he joined the guard service for the sole purpose of spying on them and reporting their movements to Ryuu and Tamae. He's one of those kinds of guys who has to get everything perfect, and takes pride in the smallest job. He has a little brother who lives and works in a temple.
Camille Kenosiss Omory
Age: 22Height: 5'2" / 157cm
Weight: 138lb / 63kg
Species: Getian
Homeplanet: Toun (Getian moon)
Another member of Dragon Group; Camille has a dry, often deadpan wit and a nonchalant sense of cheerfulness which creeps some people out. She's a ship and car enthusiast.
Amura of Leren
Age: 47Height: 5'10" / 178cm
Weight: --
Species: Aindanese
Homeplanet: Aindan
Amura is a very elegant, strikingly beautiful lady whose precence seems to demand respect. She is the kind mother of Rafeal and Micheal, and her husband is the cheiftan of the entire northern region of the Aindanese continent. The boys often come to her for her wisdom.
Athena of Uhan Outpost
Age: 26Height: 5'9" / 175cm
Weight: 161lb / 73kg
Species: Aindanese
Homeplanet: Aindan
Rafeal's cousin. She was assigned by Rafeal's father to officially keep an eye on Rafeal. When she learns of his pact with the offworlder, Rei, she promises to tell Rafeal's father all about it -- and who knows what will come of that...